The Motivation Lab

Joseph Rupp
3 min readMar 3, 2021


An Idea tied to a Personal Passion Developed at Work

Motivation Lab Logo: Created by Alexandra Rupp

I’m exploring a new idea titled The Motivation Lab.

This will be a place both for individuals looking for inspiration and those who lead and manage teams. If you work with teams and want to provide a shot in the arm to the people you work with, you can use this material as a resource to motivate and inspire. You can take my material and use as your own or simply share it with your teams. A brief introduction below:

I provide the content and the supporting materials to lead discussions if you want.

I’m calling the program The Motivation Lab because I want it to be a place where a community of members join to get inspiring content and share best practices. Every week, I’ll provide inspiring content — a quote, a story and maybe a technique or insightful motivational process. And I will look for ways to leverage our community of members who can share their experiences and wisdom with the membership.

We will also have our own exclusive Facebook Group: @themotivationlab. It’s new, so there is not much there! I’ve posted the episodes on my IG and Facebook pages. If you would like to engage in the questions posed in the first few episodes, you can do so there!

Over time, I will curate material (feedback from members) and share across the membership.

I perform the job of creating the weekly content and then aggregating, curating and providing all that phenomenal feedback back to the members via different media. I may ask you to share some of your best motivational techniques and then I’ll aggregate the information and provide it to members as an e-booklet or maybe a series of short videos.

What you get? You get inspiring content every week. You get to be a part of space focused on creating positive outcomes through discussions and coaching. Plus, you can use the material any way you want to share with your teams if you want to do so as a leader or manager or team member.

You can create engaging conversations with your teams, spread positive energy throughout the organization and lift spirits. The center of the concept lies in the mission to motivate and inspire anywhere and everywhere, including at work.

But, it does not have to be limited to work. It’s simply that the idea grew out of the different techniques and exercises I used to employ at the two companies I worked over the past 30 years.

We will create a place for motivation and inspiration. A place to share stories and pose questions and answers to questions that we have all faced.

If you cannot join our live sessions, do not worry because I will send you a recording or a prepared video clip. I plan to be brief, so you do not have to worry about piecing through an hour of information. If you just want to take the information and send to your teams, that is great too.

The reality is: I want to tinker with the mission, purpose and values of this service. And, I’d love to have your input along the journey. I expect it to evolve over time. What the space looks like today will differ from what it grows into tomorrow. I chose the name Lab on purpose, in part because I want the framework of the service to reflect a tinkerer’s heart. I don’t know where this will go.

You can find The Motivation Lab: Episode 1, Invictus here.

Our world is not short on pain and suffering right now.

But we have also witnessed incredible stories of hope, promise, kindness, strength and determination as we find it within ourselves to focus on our noblest characteristics. Inspiring stories are all around us, we just have to focus our minds.

The Motivation Lab will be about what inspires and motivates you.

If you would like more information on the Motivation Lab: you can find it here!

And, if you would like to follow my primary site:

Thanks for stopping by!

Joseph Rupp



Joseph Rupp

I focus on how to effectively imagine, create and sustain individual and team transformation.